I'm sure you've heard the word karma. It has found its way into popular culture. Unfortunately, many people connect it to Hindu and Buddhist traditions and limit its omnipotence. There is a certain aura, a general feeling, that karma produces. Within that framework, I'd like to present an interesting perspective; a WHAT IF?
What if KARMA was taught in primary education? Imagine a world where children learned the science of karma. They already do, but it's not taught as karma. It is taught as the set of laws known as thermodynamics. Unfortunately, physics has a tendency to drive us away from karma because equations with really weird symbols is just, weird. Ok, let's get back to this imaginary world where children learn the science of karma and relate it to different subjects, and their own lives.

Before we can really begin to imagine this world, we really have to come to a grand understanding of KARMA. In ancient Sanskrit, karma has its root in the basic concept of "action." In context, and in application, karma begins to pave a very scientific path. Basically, all thoughts, words, deeds and creations have and will always create some sort of Force. This Force will follow the laws of thermodynamics and reverberate back to its Source. Essentially, it's like an echo. Karma is like yelling into a well, "You are awesome!" What happens? What do you hear? "You are awesome!" Vice versa, if you project a different set of words and thoughts, you echo back a completely different set of emotions.

KARMA is a perfect science. It can be found at a molecular level. When we provide nutrients and nurture to organic complexes, most notably our cells and their microscopic factories, we create a karma within those cells that passes the nurture on to tissues, organs, body systems and eventually our entire body. When we decide to inject inorganic, toxic elements into the cells, we produce a karmic reaction that sends our body into a frightful mode of action that manifests itself as cancer, disease and sometimes death.
Ok, so we understand karma at both a thought and word level, and a molecular, scientific level. With that understanding, we can go back to imagining a world where children learn about the science of Karma. They play games, compete in sports and study hard. They practice elements of karma, realizing that their thoughts/words/actions have and will always create an equal "echo" back upon themselves. These children will begin to pay very close attention to their thoughts. They will self regulate their actions. When other children lose focus of their thoughts and emotions, the children with heightened awareness will be able to remind the "lost" ones of the importance of Karma and its power on their individual and collective success. Can you imagine?
Now imagine if the science of Karma was a certification that all leaders (political, economic, community and more) had to possess. There is no religious affiliation of Karma. It is a word, a natural law that we cannot escape in this Universe. It is a part of the life cycle, the carbon cycle, the water cycle and the solar cycle. No matter can escape its gravity and no mind is above its influence.
Recently, Obama and Congress, along with a slew of governments around the world, declared their assault on a terrorist group known as ISIS. Their attempt to disrupt this enemy is a prime example of "anti-karma". Now imagine, they were all trained and prescribed to the science of Karma. They would immediately understand that any attack, or show of heavy force will inevitably, sooner or later, lead to an equal force in return. With communities, these exchanges of energy can be overt or subversive. ISIS, or eventually some other new entity can use explosives and terror techniques, or they can subversively gain more traction in the minds of confused Americans. No matter what, the karma will not help humanity as a whole.

Now imagine, the greatest leaders of this age, The Obama's, the Bill Gates', the Zuckerberg's, the people who own the banking industry and the energy industries and so on, had to get a certification in Karma. They would make much more mindful decisions. Their diplomatic ideas would be filled with foresight. The businesses would run with integrity and honor. They would consider the ramifications of debts, budgets, bureaucracy and the consequences of resource and energy perversion. There would be a worldwide phenomenon of Justice. No religious or ethnic group would ever have to face mass genocide like the Jews in the Holocaust or the Sikhs in India. Every action that any leader, corporation, government, industry, bank, or community ever makes would be based on the principles and laws of KARMA; the absolute natural law of Karma, that is engraved in the fabric of this Universe.
Imagine if everyone in high school had to learn about Karma and Relationships. Think about the amount of times you have been betrayed by people in your life. You've been scorned by lovers, friends, acquaintances, employers and the like. You have also been a perpetrator too. You have, sometimes through sheer ignorance, hurt the ones you love. All the suffering and pain endeared in relationships can be directly correlated to an ignorance of Karma. Now imagine, you were well versed in Karma. You end up meeting an incredibly loving and giving spirit. He is pure of heart and mind, and comes to you at a time when you need that kind of spirit the most. The law of Karma, the science of it, explains that you will only revel in the light of an experience if you shine it from within. If you act out of deceit, in an attempt to continue feeding the depths of your ego, and never realize the gift you've been given, you set into place a cascade of events that will leave you heartbroken and alone. We cycle these "negative" karmas in our various relationships. We torment ourselves by feeding our souls with ignorance. Lessons in Karma would remind us that every moment is an opportunity to extend the best parts of ourselves, especially to the people who mean the most in our lives. The more we extend and serve, the more we encourage the same from all who we know. Even people who see us on social media will begin to follow suit.

I ask you to imagine, but, I must say, this is not about imagination. This is the reality of our times. The idea that KARMA is an obscure, abstract concept is a direct cause of the global suffering, disease, anger, violence and apathy. It leads to vast perversions, secret societies and fear. We, as humans, are so silly to think that we can run from KARMA. Or that we can bargain with God, the Devil, or whatever other deity. Even they abide by the science of Karma! Our willingness to learn, to practice and to share the law of Karma will be our greatest triumph. It will lead to innovations, collaborations and peace like we have never seen before! It may very well be the greatest scientific discovery ever made, even though it is probably the oldest thing in existence within this Universe!
But, just to start, What if you practiced the Science of KARMA?