Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Knowledge of No-Ledge

Recently, I've had the opportunity to teach a valuable lesson to several new friends. In teaching, I have also realized it is important for me to practice this particular wisdom.

* When we say no to something, we create space to say yes to what we really need. 

The idea is that we are often initially attracted to things, people and emotions that feed our desires. With my friend's case, she is always attracting male attention. She is beautiful, intelligent and creative. Men offer her gifts, travel and money. It's virtually impossible for her to say no. She is not alone, many women get offers like she does and eventually, they become caught in affairs that are based on material exchanges of energy. More importantly, amazing women like her end up losing focus and intent of their own individual power. They become absorbed in reactions to the men that feed their material desires. Often, they cannot and are not encouraged of their own dreams, businesses or passions. 

This example is a clear case where saying no to something that seems immediately gratifying can lead to something truly great. For example, the moment she understood what I was saying to her, she began to say no to men and their offers. Soon after, she was able to give her ideas time to blossom. She had time to meditate, reflect on her negative habits and discover new avenues of health. She is now spending more time with people that encourage her dreams. Saying no is allowing her to use energy to say yes to giving back to her community. She is far happier today than she was when I first met her. 

The act of saying no seems quite negative. And sometimes, it can be. The important facet of saying no is that it must be a reflection of your spirit, not your ego. Your ego will always say yes to things that will stunt your personal evolution. Thus, it's critical to understand and come to terms with what will help you evolve. You must become conscious of channels that will promote your personal growth. You must become aware of your dreams and aspirations. 

No-ledge is a powerful knowledge. It's based on the principle of spiral growth. We can either decay and follow a straight line towards disintegration by saying yes to drinking too much, hanging out with people who bring out the worst in us or chasing momentary material pleasures. Or, we can remember that we can connect to a powerful divinity within ourselves. By connecting with this divinity, we can manifest positive growth both in our lives and the lives of all we touch. We can awake in the morning with joy and we can sleep at night with peaceful harmony. We can receive gifts with grace and dignity. We can share our talents with the world and rejoice in playful resonance. 

The choice is yours to make, just remember, you CAN say no. 

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