Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Meditation: the ultimate method of movement

Choosing your meditation is like choosing your mode of transportation. You can use a boat, a car, an airplane or a jet-pack, and travel across most physical distances. Meditation is a mode of transportation that takes you within yourself. Please be aware, certain types of "transportation" can create detrimental byproducts.

​I'm often asked or told, "What is meditation?" or "I've tried it and it doesn't work with me." Meditation is ANYTHING that stimulates a journey within your own consciousness. It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to have tried all the modes of meditation as there are new forms created everyday, throughout our world.

The key to meditation is discovering a form of "transportation" that you trust. One of the ways that I introduce meditation is by explaining the primordial essence of it. Certain mantras and evocations have ancient roots. "OM" is one, and it is even recognized by the scientific community as AUM. Everything in our universe creates this sound. Even sacred acts like communion/intercourse emulate the primordial sounds. Think about it; "ah ah ah", "oo oo oo", and "mmmmmmm!" Put it together and you get OM! Maybe the "God particle" is not a particle but a vibration, and this sound is the vibration that connects us all.

It is the act of inner contemplation that gives meditation its intense power. With the amalgamation of responsibilities, social networking and sources of input, it has never been more important to find time for inner contemplation than this present moment. It is the source of creation, manifestation and inspiration. Oh!...and it immediately makes you more attractive, more confident and more motivated to fulfill your dreams. ​Every great mind, any successful & balanced entrepreneur and all the consciously alive people in the world spend a healthy amount of time engaged in inner contemplation. Meditation heals and it provides a space for anyone to engage their inner demons and transform them into harmonic angels. It is a method of travel that can prove more fruitful than any physical travel. Like with all powerful techniques, focus and practice make perfect. Meditation is the epitome; the more one attends to the vastness of their mind, the more one discovers the infinitude of experience.

One important aspect of meditation is to come to terms with the "third eye." Growing up, in a predominantly white neighborhood, I was subjected to all kinds of ridicule. My family is an Indian immigrant family and I am a product of convergent cultures. One particular insult I received on a frequent basis was "Gandhi dot!" where bullies would press on my forehead with force. The incredible irony is that they were actually inspiring me, and bringing light to something that my Indian culture has lost through the passages of time.

The "dot" they refer to is the bindhi that is often depicted on Indian women and particular men. This bindhi, before it was ever a fashion statement, is the direct affirmation of the "third eye"; the outward recognition of the pineal gland which sits between your eyes and protrudes out of your cerebellum. While I studied in medical school, I noticed there was never ANY discussion or elaboration on this peanut sized portion of the brain. This is rather odd. Medical science goes to great lengths to dissect EVERYTHING and provide technical terminology and references to functionality. However, despite it's definite reference throughout ancient sciences (Ayurveda, Egyptian science, etc) and it's obvious physical presence in an important position of the skull, people and trained doctors have very little understanding or appreciation for its purpose.

The pineal gland, according to scientific research, releases chemicals that only it can generate during meditative states. Sometimes it releases them during intercourse, sometimes through meditation and sometimes through near death experiences. The pineal gland expands during creative activities and calcifies (hardens) when you consume fluoride, calcium supplements and expose yourself to chlorine. ​

When you meditate, bring focus to this extraordinary gland. Appreciate it, acknowledge its presence and witness the expansion of your inner universe. The "gandhi dot" is now my idea factory. All of my thoughts and my incredible experiences first appear during the quiet appreciation of my "third eye." Through actions, those visions manifest in the reality I exist in. This is the power of meditation.

Meditation also has some practical benefits. When you allow yourself time to explore your consciousness, you also allow yourself to relax and breathe. Breathing is one of the most powerful agents of healing. Conscious breathing, inhalation and exhalation, can bring new health and energy into your life immediately. It can lower the risk of heart disease, ease anxiety and help with sleep apnea. Meditation affects the chemical orientation of water. Holy water is not just some esoteric term, it is a fact that water that is meditated upon changes on a molecular level. You are made up of almost 90% water. Your brain functions in a hydrated state. The matrix that makes up your skin and the cerebrospinal fluid in your brain relies on water to function. The state of meditation can alter the state of water. Did you know that there are actually 76 states of water? And you must remember that water is the universal solvent, meaning that it can mix with other molecules better than any molecule that we've discovered.

1 comment:

  1. I love sex. Great lesson. Wonder what you can expand upon in the ahhhhh ooohhhh mmmmm discussion. ? Maybe a little demo recording ? ;)
