Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Science of KARMA

I'm sure you've heard the word karma. It has found its way into popular culture. Unfortunately, many people connect it to Hindu and Buddhist traditions and limit its omnipotence. There is a certain aura, a general feeling, that karma produces. Within that framework, I'd like to present an interesting perspective; a WHAT IF?

What if KARMA was taught in primary education? Imagine a world where children learned the science of karma. They already do, but it's not taught as karma. It is taught as the set of laws known as thermodynamics. Unfortunately, physics has a tendency to drive us away from karma because equations with really weird symbols is just, weird. Ok, let's get back to this imaginary world where children learn the science of karma and relate it to different subjects, and their own lives. 

Before we can really begin to imagine this world, we really have to come to a grand understanding of KARMA. In ancient Sanskrit, karma has its root in the basic concept of "action." In context, and in application, karma begins to pave a very scientific path. Basically, all thoughts, words, deeds and creations have and will always create some sort of Force. This Force will follow the laws of thermodynamics and reverberate back to its Source. Essentially, it's like an echo. Karma is like yelling into a well, "You are awesome!" What happens? What do you hear? "You are awesome!" Vice versa, if you project a different set of words and thoughts, you echo back a completely different set of emotions. 

KARMA is a perfect science. It can be found at a molecular level. When we provide nutrients and nurture to organic complexes, most notably our cells and their microscopic factories, we create a karma within those cells that passes the nurture on to tissues, organs, body systems and eventually our entire body. When we decide to inject inorganic, toxic elements into the cells, we produce a karmic reaction that sends our body into a frightful mode of action that manifests itself as cancer, disease and sometimes death. 

Ok, so we understand karma at both a thought and word level, and a molecular, scientific level. With that understanding, we can go back to imagining a world where children learn about the science of Karma. They play games, compete in sports and study hard. They practice elements of karma, realizing that their thoughts/words/actions have and will always create an equal "echo" back upon themselves. These children will begin to pay very close attention to their thoughts. They will self regulate their actions. When other children lose focus of their thoughts and emotions, the children with heightened awareness will be able to remind the "lost" ones of the importance of Karma and its power on their individual and collective success. Can you imagine?

Now imagine if the science of Karma was a certification that all leaders (political, economic, community and more) had to possess. There is no religious affiliation of Karma. It is a word, a natural law that we cannot escape in this Universe. It is a part of the life cycle, the carbon cycle, the water cycle and the solar cycle. No matter can escape its gravity and no mind is above its influence. 

Recently, Obama and Congress, along with a slew of governments around the world, declared their assault on a terrorist group known as ISIS. Their attempt to disrupt this enemy is a prime example of "anti-karma". Now imagine, they were all trained and prescribed to the science of Karma. They would immediately understand that any attack, or show of heavy force will inevitably, sooner or later, lead to an equal force in return. With communities, these exchanges of energy can be overt or subversive. ISIS, or eventually some other new entity can use explosives and terror techniques, or they can subversively gain more traction in the minds of confused Americans. No matter what, the karma will not help humanity as a whole.

Now imagine, the greatest leaders of this age, The Obama's, the Bill Gates', the Zuckerberg's, the people who own the banking industry and the energy industries and so on, had to get a certification in Karma. They would make much more mindful decisions. Their diplomatic ideas would be filled with foresight. The businesses would run with integrity and honor. They would consider the ramifications of debts, budgets, bureaucracy and the consequences of resource and energy perversion. There would be a worldwide phenomenon of Justice. No religious or ethnic group would ever have to face mass genocide like the Jews in the Holocaust or the Sikhs in India. Every action that any leader, corporation, government, industry, bank, or community ever makes would be based on the principles and laws of KARMA; the absolute natural law of Karma, that is engraved in the fabric of this Universe.

Imagine if everyone in high school had to learn about Karma and Relationships. Think about the amount of times you have been betrayed by people in your life. You've been scorned by lovers, friends, acquaintances, employers and the like. You have also been a perpetrator too. You have, sometimes through sheer ignorance, hurt the ones you love. All the suffering and pain endeared in relationships can be directly correlated to an ignorance of Karma. Now imagine, you were well versed in Karma. You end up meeting an incredibly loving and giving spirit. He is pure of heart and mind, and comes to you at a time when you need that kind of spirit the most. The law of Karma, the science of it, explains that you will only revel in the light of an experience if you shine it from within. If you act out of deceit, in an attempt to continue feeding the depths of your ego, and never realize the gift you've been given, you set into place a cascade of events that will leave you heartbroken and alone. We cycle these "negative" karmas in our various relationships. We torment ourselves by feeding our souls with ignorance. Lessons in Karma would remind us that every moment is an opportunity to extend the best parts of ourselves, especially to the people who mean the most in our lives. The more we extend and serve, the more we encourage the same from all who we know. Even people who see us on social media will begin to follow suit. 

I ask you to imagine, but, I must say, this is not about imagination. This is the reality of our times. The idea that KARMA is an obscure, abstract concept is a direct cause of the global suffering, disease, anger, violence and apathy. It leads to vast perversions, secret societies and fear. We, as humans, are so silly to think that we can run from KARMA. Or that we can bargain with God, the Devil, or whatever other deity. Even they abide by the science of Karma! Our willingness to learn, to practice and to share the law of Karma will be our greatest triumph. It will lead to innovations, collaborations and peace like we have never seen before! It may very well be the greatest scientific discovery ever made, even though it is probably the oldest thing in existence within this Universe!

But, just to start, What if you practiced the Science of KARMA?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Knowledge of No-Ledge

Recently, I've had the opportunity to teach a valuable lesson to several new friends. In teaching, I have also realized it is important for me to practice this particular wisdom.

* When we say no to something, we create space to say yes to what we really need. 

The idea is that we are often initially attracted to things, people and emotions that feed our desires. With my friend's case, she is always attracting male attention. She is beautiful, intelligent and creative. Men offer her gifts, travel and money. It's virtually impossible for her to say no. She is not alone, many women get offers like she does and eventually, they become caught in affairs that are based on material exchanges of energy. More importantly, amazing women like her end up losing focus and intent of their own individual power. They become absorbed in reactions to the men that feed their material desires. Often, they cannot and are not encouraged of their own dreams, businesses or passions. 

This example is a clear case where saying no to something that seems immediately gratifying can lead to something truly great. For example, the moment she understood what I was saying to her, she began to say no to men and their offers. Soon after, she was able to give her ideas time to blossom. She had time to meditate, reflect on her negative habits and discover new avenues of health. She is now spending more time with people that encourage her dreams. Saying no is allowing her to use energy to say yes to giving back to her community. She is far happier today than she was when I first met her. 

The act of saying no seems quite negative. And sometimes, it can be. The important facet of saying no is that it must be a reflection of your spirit, not your ego. Your ego will always say yes to things that will stunt your personal evolution. Thus, it's critical to understand and come to terms with what will help you evolve. You must become conscious of channels that will promote your personal growth. You must become aware of your dreams and aspirations. 

No-ledge is a powerful knowledge. It's based on the principle of spiral growth. We can either decay and follow a straight line towards disintegration by saying yes to drinking too much, hanging out with people who bring out the worst in us or chasing momentary material pleasures. Or, we can remember that we can connect to a powerful divinity within ourselves. By connecting with this divinity, we can manifest positive growth both in our lives and the lives of all we touch. We can awake in the morning with joy and we can sleep at night with peaceful harmony. We can receive gifts with grace and dignity. We can share our talents with the world and rejoice in playful resonance. 

The choice is yours to make, just remember, you CAN say no. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

A jective kinda war... (Objective vs. Subjective)

There needs to be a balance. One cannot have more relevance than the other. Subjective living has overtaken our reality. Objective reality requires effort, a longing to learn and a passion to share knowledge and experience. 

Take the time to notice what you emphasize throughout the day; Subjective reality or Objective reality? What would happen if you spent more time with Objective reality? Maybe you'll come up with an idea, a profound understanding, a movement of goodwill?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Boddhisaatva - a poem

I'm trying so hard
My heart has so much love
an abundance of energy and spirit
But on turns, I lose control

God, please give Me strength
Give Me the ability to accept pain
With as much pleasure

Have Me only fight myself
My ego, my pain-body, my regret

Guru, Waheguru, i am at your will
i have faith, love and knowing
you will help me overcome

Let it be my destiny that I battle
Without sword, without shield, sans arms
i am at your mercy

Tomorrow i will awaken with a power unimaginable
A light so bright only the dark can manifest it

Thank you Beloved Guru, your image is plentiful
your blessings have no absolute form
i am your pawn turned king
i will be your sage

Monday, September 1, 2014

Anyone have the directions? GPS? Map? Anything!?

This fellow is wise enough to play the fool;
And to do that well craves a kind of wit.
William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

We strive for direction in this life of ours. Sometimes we look to our friends for approval, in the guise of guidance. Sometimes we look at social media, mimic our parents or read self help books. Trust me, life is not withholding direction from you, it's just that Direction comes from Gurus.

I'm a Sikh, a religion whose roots start in Punjab but embodies a philosophy that is universal and melodious. The importance of self-knowledge and scientific inquiry is as important as equality in Sikhism. Constant emphasis is placed on every Sikh, or anyone paying attention, to focus their mind on the direction that helps their karma blossom. One of the main reasons why I love being a Sikh is because of the importance of our becoming Warrior Saints. What a great paradox!

Undoubtedly, like most religions, Sikhism fell into the despair of dogma and regiment. Patriarchy took over like it did with Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and all the others. Men become powerful and wield their power by waging wars against other ideologies. I can only hope in my lifetime that I can experience and be part of a religious/theology that is run and executed by women rather than men. Can you imagine?

I've gotten off topic, and that can happen when we speak about religion. I think one of the most beautiful adages of Sikhism, Buddhism and many other religions and philosophies dating back to Socrates is the emphasis on learning from Gurus/Masters. The importance of seeking someone who you respect, of someone who is both humble and open to share their knowledge with you, goes beyond your experience. Often, a guru comes in the shape of a teacher, a parent, a dog, a child, a stranger or a lifelong mentor. Gurus and Masters enter our lives and shape our experience like water sustains our structure. Some Gurus have the power to embolden you. Some can take you under their wings.

There are many frauds too, just like with all things. Money can be made by manipulating people. And where greed is left to its devices, without any treatment of its various ailments, people will find a way to take advantage of the collective people's longing for studentship to the Guru. There are ways to tell who the frauds are, but I'll leave that to another discussion, or maybe more personal ones.

What is more vital to get across in this discourse is that we are all seeking direction. Sometimes when we are unaware, we follow whoever and whatever gives us more attention. Attention is power. Even modern quantum physics proves that photons, when projected through slits, change their vibration when they are observed, versus when they are simply let to act on their own. Our conscious attention to something gives it power. With that, we are slowly becoming students of Facebook, Instagram, people who get many likes or people who get attention for various materialistic reasons.

Of course, there is no true GOOD/EVIL. There are only shades of light. When we recognize our own light, and our ability to become even more vibrant and illuminated, we ignite a fire of passion to strive for that end. Without that realization, we are left to repeat cycles within our lives that frustrate not only ourselves but everyone around us.

Next time, when something bad happens to you, think of it as a Guru. It is an opportunity for you to learn something and evolve. When someone comes into your life with a perspective of you and an opinion, pay attention to it, receive it and take what you can to evolve. Question everything (as people often have motives) but also absorb what you can. Maybe something may help you understand something later. Take some time to observe people on a street, a fair, anywhere that people interact. Notice the humanity, and then feel it within you. Spend some time seeking teachers, masters, gurus. Find people that you can respect who have much to teach you. Find people that are open to teach you without fear and without judgement. Watch your dog, or your cat, and notice how they teach you great lessons everyday! Listen to children, they have great wisdom. It is untainted, raw and true. Pay attention to them and your own inner child will smile and grow joyful. Take heed of their inquiries, of their understandings, as they may lead you to be more True to yourself and all you know.

Maybe you are a Guru, a Master, an unaware enlightened spirit as well. Share it! No matter what, live with a sense of inquiry, curiosity, a passion to connect with Gurus and Masters, and you will experience your share of amazingness in this life!

I DARE you to get hypnotized!

Have you ever listened to the voice in your head? Even if you haven't, it's there, or you just won't admit it. That voice is the condensation of your subconscious. Sometimes it can tell you not to do something, sometimes it can convince you to do something, and sometimes it can throw you off by giving you more choices than you really need or understand.

One of the most troubling issues that my students have on the SAT's is with reading passages and answering questions on them. These passages are ridiculously boring and do everything they can to get students to take their focus off of them. They all complain that their mind can't focus and it goes off and begins thinking about what they will have for dinner, what some girl was talking about earlier in the day, or how hot that guy from Twilight is (I don't know which one, they were all weird looking to me, besides the vampire/werewolf aspect). We often do the same thing; we listen to the voice in our head and say something dumb, or we listen and decide to stay home from work. Sometimes we stop ourselves from doing really dumb things, and sometimes we become paralyzed from the possibility of something terrible happening if we put ourselves at risk.

The subconscious is unavoidable, and it's chemistry is under serious study today. Scientists are looking to monks and meditators to try to see how mindfulness is affecting the subconscious and consequently parasympathetic activities of the body. Ancient sciences like Ayurveda and Native American Shamanism had specific interests in exploring the subconscious and making sure there was just as much balance there as there is with the body.

Hypnotism, Siddhi, Shamanic rituals, Past life regressions and many more techniques have been used and are now being reintroduced into the mainstream. Renowned medical physicians like Dr. Brian Weiss are traveling the world teaching people about something we all once knew in abundance. People are learning about subconscious blocks that cause them obesity, addictions and abuse. They are learning that there is more beneath the voices that we speak with and the ones we hide from others.

I have invited different "healers" to explore the vibrant abyss of my subconscious. I've had a psychologist, Dr. Janet Cunningham, hypnotize me. We explored a past life in ancient Egypt where I was a terrible and selfish priest. We explored another realm of my subconscious where I chose to be born to my parents, and be presented with the challenges I've faced, and where a "guide" told me that I need to make music.

I invited a Toltec Shaman, Mark Cloudfoot, to introduce me to the Toltec Dreaming. I was lulled into an experience where my imagination was unleashed. On the tips of the clouds I rode on a dragon while two other dragons rode alongside, and I had a dragon-language conversation about my deepest and darkest fears. I didn't want to leave them, but I learned a lot about myself under the conditions that the Shaman put me in.

Recently, I was hypnotized by a hypnotherapist, the Modern Guru. She placed glasses over my eyes that simulated different frequencies of light that changed "randomly" (or maybe my mind or temperature was controlling them?). She took me on a journey deep into the Earth, where I was introduced to Archangel Michael and he helped me cut Cords that had been prohibiting me from experiencing my potential. These Karmic Cords are the entanglements that keep us caught in loops with certain people or things that are not always helpful or beneficial to us.

All of these experiences gave me great insight into the deepest realms of my mind. They forced me to face my subconscious, which we are often neglecting. We are choosing to look at Facebook, Instagram, watch TV or drink alcohol. All of these limit our ability to look into our subconscious and consequentially, lead us to repeat actions that end up working against ourselves.

I'm not saying that these methods are perfect. I'm just saying that we should all learn that if we want true happiness and joy, we have to be willing to face our subconscious thoughts. We must listen to the voices in our head and have a conversation with them once in awhile. If we don't, if we block them out with external activity, drugs or alcohol, they will find a more explosive way of unleashing themselves and making themselves known.

They are you, and you are incredibly powerful. Where do you want to direct your power?

Don't Get Lost in the Illusion

I've had to do a lot of soul searching the past month. Really, I've been soul searching ever since I burned and crashed years ago. Lately, I've had to search my soul for love, forgiveness, and inner confidence. During this journey, I've learned so much about the consequence of the "Illusion."

You see, we are all pulled by the Illusion. The Illusion is different for every one of us. It's different for you at different ages. As a child, it may be the burning desire to get the newest Call of Duty of Grand Theft Auto. It may be getting your ear pierced or getting to that party. Later, it turns into craving the popularity, the acceptance, that comes with adolescence and young adulthood.

The Illusion for the young is turning a very ugly page. Instagram and Facebook and the other social media outlets are making people be less aware of the Illusion, while pursuing their desires far more. It is causing them to suffer in ways that drugs, alcohol, social gatherings and attachments cannot quench. They resort to superficial means of pleasure, only to find that their Spirit eludes them.

Adults in their 30's are starting to realize this too. They feel the Illusion pulling at them. They need to accomplish something, they need to have security, they need something before they can truly Love or be Vulnerable. They lie to themselves and others but forget that their happiness depends not on maintaining social status or appeal, but on how they serve themselves, the ones they love, and the community.

Older adults, often caught in the Illusion that they are unable to Change, forget that everything is changing, ALL the time. Nothing is fixed, and with the world becoming more and more globalized, there is more potential than ever for an evolution of consciousness. There is more chance than ever that we as individuals can understand how to love ourselves (outside of social media or fabricated/brainwashed social ideals) and how to love others well. There is more chance than ever that as communities, we can discover peace and prosperity for the collective. That we can find a way to teach that hard work, giving and knowledge can produce citizens that manage themselves incredible well.

We can find a way to eliminate deceit, greed, corruption and lust. We can invite hidden molesters to discover healthy mindsets and mindfulness so they can stop molesting. We can invite the pathological liars to act, write and inject their passion for drama and suffering into art. We can guide hyperactive/hyperintelligent to work on ideas and projects that they believe in that would serve communities and individuals. We can turn them into entrepreneurs, not slaves of their own mind.

There is a lot of room for growth, the question is, "Are you ready to drop the Illusion?"

Are you ready to live your fullest, to acknowledge your fears and remember why you are on Spaceship Earth? Can you see past the glitz, the glamour, the pull of the Illusion that you need to be living life without graceful Intention, Honor and Humility?

If you are ready, you will be welcomed into the Halls of the Heroes. You'll be invited to discover Love. You'll experience the beauty of life and all it has to offer.

Have I found it? Well, I get reminded every day that I need to Love myself. I get reminded that I have a mission. I'm in pursuit of teammates, of friends, of colleagues that Love Life so much that they don't need the Illusion. They see through it so much that they welcome the Love whenever and wherever they are. They honor Heroes and give their time to the pursuit of their own journey. They disintegrate the Illusion when it is offered in a champagne flute.

What will you do when you notice the Illusion?

Contest winner - fake short news piece - "Our Breast Interest"

Confessions of Moral Downfall - The beginning of the Bodhisattva's Vow

I went to bed last night and started the day out with a Bodhisattva's Confession of Moral Downfalls (a preamble to the Bodhisattva's Vow). It was different than anything I've ever done. I found myself saying aloud that I have committed terrible negative actions. As I made the statement that I have sinned, that I have lied, cheated and manipulated, I remembered all the times I've actually done those things in this life.

Then, I realized, that I've probably done some terrible things throughout my previous lifetimes. I remember doing Hypnosis over a year ago and finding myself in ancient Egypt. I was a cruel, domineering priest that seized control. I ordered the beheading of people and I was terrible. In this life, I've done terrible things too. I've reacted, I've lied and I've been scared to become my High Self.

As I began this process, I found myself stating the Truth. I've now repeated this 3 times, and each time I feel myself realizing that I have accrued some very damaging Karma. But this was only the beginning of the Confession.

The next part recognized that there is potential, there is joy and merit. If people can become Buddhas, if people can become Saints, or exemplary examples, then there is Hope. I spoke aloud about the Hope, that I can be an example of great merit and great Positive Karma.

The next part had me do something that I realize my mother and many people I respect do; it asked for the help of the great Buddhas, the great Saints and the Great Spirits. I beseeched them, asking that they come and guide me so that I can also become a beacon of Illuminating Light. I asked for each one, in all ten directions. And each time I spoke about them, I felt that they are listening, and hoping that I feel their presence.

The last and final part of the Confession is to Promise. Promise that I truly understand the demerits of my negative actions, in this life and all the other ones. To understand that I have Potential, that I am full of Light. To recognize that the Buddhas will only stand with me if I stick to the vows that promote Higher Living.

I've done this 3 times now… and I have to admit. I am starting to believe, I'm starting to believe that I can be a Bodhisattva. Actually, I promise that I will become One.

Choosing to Complain...

Yesterday, while I was teaching PreCalculus to one of my private school students, I was told that I should be a psychologist. At first, I was speechless. Me, unpredictable, spontaneous, highly creative, anxious, slightly mad and infinitely curious, a psychologist? I need a psychologist, or maybe a few of them.

So I said what came naturally, "do you know what psychology means?" She told me it means the study of the mind. Good answer, but incorrect. I'm sure you think that's what it is too. Well, it's not. "Psyche" come from the latin psyche, which comes from an ancient greek work that means SOUL/SPIRIT/BREATHE. Psychology means the study of the soul, while Psychiatry essentially means the treatment of the soul. (

We proceeded in having a wonderful conversation. She has nervous ticks, and I introduced some skills that may help her be more mindful. In the process, she taught me some valuable lessons. I would like to share the most important one.

She told me, "when we surround ourselves with people who complain about someone in their lives, like a teacher or a boyfriend, we end up copying them so that we can relate and end up complaining about our teacher or boyfriend without even knowing it. Then we end up feeling terrible and ruining good things in our life."

Here is a 17 year old demonstrating an amazing propensity for wisdom. She is so right, yet I see so many adults, grown individuals with professional jobs, vast social media profiles and resumes and degrees that are beyond impressive, with little regard for this simple piece of wisdom.

We have adults who choose to surround themselves, mindlessly, with people that complain. Sometimes they watch television that features people that complain. Sometimes we think that we can help those that complain, only to find that we join the party, with seamless ease. Often, we stay attached to people that are complaining about their relationships, jobs, family and more because we begin to believe there is no other option. We must maintain cordiality; we must maintain a sense of reliability so that we don't lose the "friendship" or benefits that seems to be present.

Back to the conversation with my student. I offered her a suggestion, something I have been trying to implement in my own life; when you notice the poison, when you notice that somebody within your presence is complaining of something in your life, become AWARE of your own individual CHOICE. Become aware of the choices you have; relate to the person, ignore them, walk away, ask them to speak with compassion, offer them a choice to plant seeds of peace and understanding, choose to plant seeds of peace and understanding to your own relationships, focus on gratitude, or bang your head with a pan.

Well, she loved the advice, and is ready to rock all her classes and defeat the anxiety that plagues her. I'm going to take my own advice, and continue inviting people into my life that are elevated, sincere, grateful and hardworking. I'm going to set an example of mindful living, and through that, I may influence the people I love and know and the people I love without knowing.

What choice will you make the next time someone complains?