Saturday, March 19, 2016

Yoga Teacher Training 3

The next stages of the yoga teacher training have been extremely satisfying. There is so much more to yoga than I imagined. After going over the philosophy we've now started to focus on the physical practice. In a couple of classes we've focused on the Surya Namaskar A and some other positions in the primary series.

We are so fortunate to have teachers like Kumi Yogini and JQ William guiding us. They make a great team: Kumi is very nurturing and particular about the existential aspects of yoga while JQ’s attention to detail and her knowledge of anatomy and physiology gives all of a practical understanding of the yoga positions. 
This is all an opportunity for us to learn how to improve our own practice and at the same time become very comfortable with helping others perfect there's. What's even more profound is our ability to help people avoid getting hurt while pushing themselves to grow in yoga. The teachers at Veda yoga are doing great justice to their teachers before them. We focused on perfecting the teaching of down dog and chaturanga dandasana along with the correct positioning of our arms, hands, hips, legs, feet, and back. Kumi also makes a great point by showing us that there are planes of positioning in all the positions of yoga. This makes a big difference to a person like me, as I visual really well. With this knowledge, I was able to see how I could improve people’s postures better.

Something really important in our research and practice is how focused and collaborative the class is. Everyone supports one another, there is positivity, honesty, and a willingness to volunteer. I'm so honored to be part of a great yoga teacher training group.

One of my favorite parts about the last couple of practical exercises has been massaging people doing yoga. Personally, it's my favorite thing when I practice in yoga classes. The  teacher comes around while I'm doing a pigeon pose or something else and they push down on my back or they squeeze my arm or pull or correct something in my body. It feels so great and sometimes if the yoga teacher is intuitive enough there is an incredible feeling of relief, support, and nurture. We got to practice those massage techniques on each other and I am so excited to bring that kind of attention to future yoga practitioners who attend classes I lead. I've always been very fond of the power of touch and yoga is a great opportunity to serve people while they are working very hard to let go of physical and emotional blocks.

The journey continues and I am so excited to receive an abundance of wisdom from all those participating in this training.

Follow Indy Rishi Singh’s journey into teacher training for yoga or visit to learn more - come experience a laughter meditation

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