Monday, September 1, 2014

I DARE you to get hypnotized!

Have you ever listened to the voice in your head? Even if you haven't, it's there, or you just won't admit it. That voice is the condensation of your subconscious. Sometimes it can tell you not to do something, sometimes it can convince you to do something, and sometimes it can throw you off by giving you more choices than you really need or understand.

One of the most troubling issues that my students have on the SAT's is with reading passages and answering questions on them. These passages are ridiculously boring and do everything they can to get students to take their focus off of them. They all complain that their mind can't focus and it goes off and begins thinking about what they will have for dinner, what some girl was talking about earlier in the day, or how hot that guy from Twilight is (I don't know which one, they were all weird looking to me, besides the vampire/werewolf aspect). We often do the same thing; we listen to the voice in our head and say something dumb, or we listen and decide to stay home from work. Sometimes we stop ourselves from doing really dumb things, and sometimes we become paralyzed from the possibility of something terrible happening if we put ourselves at risk.

The subconscious is unavoidable, and it's chemistry is under serious study today. Scientists are looking to monks and meditators to try to see how mindfulness is affecting the subconscious and consequently parasympathetic activities of the body. Ancient sciences like Ayurveda and Native American Shamanism had specific interests in exploring the subconscious and making sure there was just as much balance there as there is with the body.

Hypnotism, Siddhi, Shamanic rituals, Past life regressions and many more techniques have been used and are now being reintroduced into the mainstream. Renowned medical physicians like Dr. Brian Weiss are traveling the world teaching people about something we all once knew in abundance. People are learning about subconscious blocks that cause them obesity, addictions and abuse. They are learning that there is more beneath the voices that we speak with and the ones we hide from others.

I have invited different "healers" to explore the vibrant abyss of my subconscious. I've had a psychologist, Dr. Janet Cunningham, hypnotize me. We explored a past life in ancient Egypt where I was a terrible and selfish priest. We explored another realm of my subconscious where I chose to be born to my parents, and be presented with the challenges I've faced, and where a "guide" told me that I need to make music.

I invited a Toltec Shaman, Mark Cloudfoot, to introduce me to the Toltec Dreaming. I was lulled into an experience where my imagination was unleashed. On the tips of the clouds I rode on a dragon while two other dragons rode alongside, and I had a dragon-language conversation about my deepest and darkest fears. I didn't want to leave them, but I learned a lot about myself under the conditions that the Shaman put me in.

Recently, I was hypnotized by a hypnotherapist, the Modern Guru. She placed glasses over my eyes that simulated different frequencies of light that changed "randomly" (or maybe my mind or temperature was controlling them?). She took me on a journey deep into the Earth, where I was introduced to Archangel Michael and he helped me cut Cords that had been prohibiting me from experiencing my potential. These Karmic Cords are the entanglements that keep us caught in loops with certain people or things that are not always helpful or beneficial to us.

All of these experiences gave me great insight into the deepest realms of my mind. They forced me to face my subconscious, which we are often neglecting. We are choosing to look at Facebook, Instagram, watch TV or drink alcohol. All of these limit our ability to look into our subconscious and consequentially, lead us to repeat actions that end up working against ourselves.

I'm not saying that these methods are perfect. I'm just saying that we should all learn that if we want true happiness and joy, we have to be willing to face our subconscious thoughts. We must listen to the voices in our head and have a conversation with them once in awhile. If we don't, if we block them out with external activity, drugs or alcohol, they will find a more explosive way of unleashing themselves and making themselves known.

They are you, and you are incredibly powerful. Where do you want to direct your power?

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